Friday, February 22, 2019

The Broken Circle Image result for family trees
There’s a break in our family circle
There’s a missing twig on our family tree
There’s a missing plate at the family table
A missing piece is taken away from me.

You’ve left our family here on earth
But I don’t understand how you left us so fast
Yet I think you are far away

But I still think your last breath could of last.
This is about my nana

Monday, February 18, 2019

My Pepeha - Lomi - This is my pepeha it is all about my Identity, my family and where l live.

My Pepeha

Tena koutou  koutou
Ko Puketapa toku Mounga
Ko Tamaki Makaurau Toku IwI
Ko Mt Roskill toku hapu
Ko Puketapapa Toku Hapu
Ko Christ The King School
No Hamoa Ahau
Ko Eric Feau toku papa
Ko Melanie Uili toku mama
Ko Lomi Toku Ingoa
No Reira Tena koutou
No reira Tena Koutou Koutou

This is my pepeha it is all about my Identity, my family and where l live